How Can I Help?

Serving You!

Serving You by Blogging

We can’t live what we don’t know. My desire is to inform and inspire. To help you Know and Grow for Life. To help you find God’s answers for your longings and needs. And to go beyond your immediate needs to fulfill your assignment! To help you be so assured of who you are in Christ that you can freely put your whole spirit, soul and body into your assignment. We are limited by what we don’t know, so let’s know and grow together!

Share with me as I blog about these important themes.

girl, lake, web, serving you
board, slate, blackboard

Teaching & Sharing My Heart and God's Word

Join me as I share by video and comments on the following media:

Connecting You to Amazing Resources

I enjoy gathering resources and sharing them with you. Find resources for children and adults, inspiration and meditation, teaching and training, news and politics, music and more. Grow and develop! See these pages:

rubik cube, game, sand

God uses changed people to change people.