
Inspiration to live fully at every age and stage of life.


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fear, emotion, anxiety
Fear and Anxiety

4 Fear Forces

Fear is a powerful force. Today we look into the Who, What, When and Where of fear forces. Did you know that you ascribe power to whoever or whatever you fear? And whatever you fear more than God is an idol? Learn more!

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colour pencils, scissors, crayons, tackling something new - kindergarten again
New Things

Tackling Something New – Kindergarten Again – Pt. 1 – God’s Will

If God is asking you to do something new, listen! One of the main things that keeps you from stepping out in a project, from something very big to something very small, is uncertainty about where that interest or desire is coming from. Is it God or your own fleeting feelings? Fear of failure and even success are two more hindrances. And the hard work you know will be involved is yet another.

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