Why am I doing this?

Third Trimester of Life!

husband and wife, about

Yes, it’s hard to believe I’m in my mid sixties and embarking on my third trimester of life. I’m embracing this moment and thoroughly excited about what’s ahead! You may be in your third trimester of life like me or at some other wonderful – or difficult – stage of life. I want you to know you can thrive at any stage and any age.

Join me as we discover life and Know and Grow together, becoming confident in all things at all times. We can’t live what we don’t know!

“All the while, you will grow as you learn to know God better and better.”   -Colossians 1:10b NLT

A little about me. God has blessed me with the privilege of raising three awesome sons together with my wonderful husband. Life has been good. Life has been deep. Life has sometimes been hard. But my steps have always been ordered.

Now I feel a shift. I sense the Lord wants me to share his Word in a new way. As I go down this new path, my driving force is and always will be my relationship with Jesus Christ. What I share flows from this ONE thing.

So what is the message I feel led to share?

We can be stuck because of truths we don’t know or fully understand. When those truths finally penetrate our lives, we can be freed to become the persons we are meant to be. Coming to know and grow has revolutionized my life. And I want it to revolutionize your life, too. So here I am, desiring to continue to know and grow – we’re never done! – and to take others along with me on my journey.

Know and Grow 4 Life is borne out of this deep and persistent desire to know and grow. This website and it’s accompanying social links on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and Instagram are new and challenging assignments. But I don’t want to miss God’s will.

I hope you will join me!



My mission is to engage God’s glorious presence through an intimate relationship with Him; then, as His image bearer, to extend His presence to my family, to my Church, and to the secular places of this world, spaces to which Christ has ultimate claim.

I am bound heart and soul with Him.

“But seek ye first his kingdom and his righteousness…” Matthew 6:33


How I spend my days is how I spend my life. I cannot be caught up with too many things; there’s always time to do what God wants done. He understands my limits. He realizes my weaknesses. He knows how much pressure I can take. He knows what measures of grace and mercy and strength I’ll require. He knows how I’m put together. So let me do only what God wants done today. Then my priorities will be in order.


As I go down this new path...

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landscape, nature, footpath

I don't know what your destiny will be, but one thing I know: the only ones among you who will be really happy are those who will have sought and found how to serve.

Albert Schweitzer